Oxidized LDL (OxLDL) Archives - Cleveland HeartLab, Inc. https://www.clevelandheartlab.com/blog-tag/oxidized-ldl-oxldl/ Cleveland HeartLab, Inc. Wed, 04 Jan 2017 14:15:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Diabetes Drugs that Lower Heart Risks https://www.clevelandheartlab.com/blog/diabetes-drugs-lower-heart-risks/ Wed, 04 Jan 2017 14:13:54 +0000 http://wwwdev.clevelandheartlab.com/?post_type=x-portfolio&p=10353 Of all the complications of diabetes, including blindness, neuropathy (i.e., nerve pain), amputations, and kidney failure, the most dangerous—heart disease—is often paid the least attention. Yet people with diabetes are more than twice as likely to develop heart problems than those without diabetes, and the majority of people with type 2 diabetes will eventually die from cardiovascular ills such as ...

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Novel Clues to Your Diabetes Risk https://www.clevelandheartlab.com/blog/novel-clues-diabetes-risk/ Mon, 21 Nov 2016 14:21:45 +0000 http://wwwdev.clevelandheartlab.com/?post_type=x-portfolio&p=10306 About 30 million Americans — more than 9 percent of the population — currently have diabetes, and one in three Americans is expected to have diabetes by 2050. Diabetes happens when your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Over time, the extra glucose can wreak havoc on health, damaging the eyes, kidneys and nerves and leading to ...

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4 Tasty Anti-Inflammatory Herbs and Spices That Boost Heart Health https://www.clevelandheartlab.com/blog/horizons-4-tasty-anti-inflammatory-herbs-and-spices-that-boost-heart-health/ Thu, 25 Jun 2015 13:43:07 +0000 http://proto.clevelandheartlab.com/?post_type=x-portfolio&p=9024 Used as a natural “medicine” for thousands of years, certain herbs and spices really do have amazing health benefits, including fighting chronic inflammation, which has been linked to a wide range of conditions, from heart disease to diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and even cancer, according to new studies. Here’s a look at four delicious seasonings that rank as anti-inflammatory standouts. Curcumin: The ...

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How Effective Are Anti-Inflammatory Diets for Lowering Heart Attack Risk? https://www.clevelandheartlab.com/blog/horizons-how-effective-are-anti-inflammatory-diets-for-lowering-heart-attack-risk/ Wed, 25 Feb 2015 16:55:21 +0000 http://proto.clevelandheartlab.com/?post_type=x-portfolio&p=9079 In advice that many American have taken to heart, Hippocrates wrote, “Let food be thy medicine.” In fact, diets to reduce chronic inflammation–which is linked to disorders ranging from heart attacks and strokes to type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer–have become a health craze. However, there’s debate about which eating plan–and foods–offers the greatest cardiovascular and anti-inflammatory benefits. ...

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3 Surprising Myths About Cholesterol https://www.clevelandheartlab.com/blog/horizons-3-surprising-myths-about-cholesterol/ Thu, 19 Feb 2015 17:05:25 +0000 http://proto.clevelandheartlab.com/?post_type=x-portfolio&p=9082 Cholesterol is the most demonized, misunderstood and controversial substance in both our bodies and our diets. New and recent cholesterol guidelines, in particular, have sparked headlines and hot medical debate about its role in heart disease. The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) ignited fresh controversy this month by suggesting that cholesterol-rich foods–such as eggs, shellfish and liver–may not be a ...

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